1. Use a forward-facing
safety seat if your child weighs at least 20 pounds (9 kg). Be sure that it is properly installed in the back seat according
to the manufacturer's instructions and the vehicle owner's manual. Never place your toddler's safety seat in the front seat
of a vehicle with a passenger air bag. The back seat is the safest place for children of any age to ride.
2. Ensure
stair and window safety.
3. All play outside should be supervised. Toddlers do not understand danger and cannot remember
4. Knowing how to "swim" does not make a child water-safe at this age. Supervise the toddler constantly whenever
he or she is in or around water, buckets, the toilet or the bathtub. Continue to empty buckets, tubs or small pools immediately
after use. Ensure that swimming pools have a four-sided fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate.
5. If your
home uses gas appliances, install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors.
6. Be sure there are no dangling telephone,
electrical, blind, or drapery cords in your home.
7. Put sun screen on the toddler before going outside to play or
swim. Be particularly careful during the hours between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun is most dangerous.
8. Continue
to keep your toddler's environment free of smoke. Keep the home and car nonsmoking zones.
9. Ensure electric wires,
outlets and appliances are inaccessible or protected.
10. Bolt bookcases, dressers, or cabinets to the wall.
Keep your toddler away from moving machinery, lawn mowers, overhead garage doors, driveways, and streets.
12. Keep
medicines, cigarettes, lighters, matches, alcohol, firearms and electrical tools locked up and/or out of the toddler's sight
and reach.
13. Always walk behind your car before you back out the driveway.
14. Remember, almost anything
in your home can be poisonous.
15. Keep Syrup of Ipecac in the home to be used as directed by the poison control center
or the health professional. Keep the number of the poison control center near the telephone.
16. Do not expect your
older children to supervise the toddler (e.g., in the house, apartment, playground, or yard).
17. Keep the toddler
away from moving machinery, lawn mowers, overhead garage doors, driveways and streets.
18. Ensure that a toddler riding
in a seat on an adult's bicycle is wearing a helmet and wear a helmet yourself.
19. Teach the child to use caution
when approaching dogs, especially if the dogs are unknown or eating.
20. Keep cigarettes, lighters, matches, alcohol,
firearms, and electrical tools locked up and out of your toddler's sight and reach.
21. Choose caregivers carefully.
Talk with them about their attitudes and behavior in relation to discipline. Do not permit corporal punishment.
Know how to save a choking child.
For more information visit:
Town and Country Pediatrics!
Bright Futures.Org: 1 to 4 Years!